Prospective Students

Information for Candidate Students


Candidate Categories


In the Programme “Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD): Health Promotion, Early Intervention, Special Education, Individual and Community Intervention” of the Department of Public and Community Health of the University of West Attica and the Department of Philology of the University of Peloponnese are accepted, upon selection, graduates of the Schools of Medicine, graduates of the Department of Public and Community Health, the Faculties of Literature, the Faculties of Health Sciences, Health and Welfare Professions, the Faculties of Occupational Therapy, Speech and Language Therapy, Social Work, Psychology, Physiotherapy, Pedagogical Sciences and Education Sciences of the national territory, or recognized similar institutions abroad, in accordance with the current legislation.


Applications may also be submitted by undergraduates students, provided that they have submitted a Certificate of Completion of Studies before the date of validation of the list of successful candidates. In this case, a copy of their degree or diploma must be submitted before the start date of the programme.


Applications may also be submitted by graduates of foreign institutions which are not yet included in the National Register of Recognised Foreign Institutions of DOATAP. In case a foreign institution is not listed on the DOATAP website, the Department of Public and Community Health shall apply the procedure of paragraph 1.5, of article 304, of Law 4957/2022. Otherwise, the student will be deleted, without the student being entitled to a refund of any money he/she may have deposited. Members of the categories of SEP (Special Educational Personnel), LTP (Laboratory Teaching Personnel) and SLTP (Special Laboratory Technical Personnel) may, upon request, be registered as supernumerary and only one (1) per year, without tuition fees.




The maximum number of students admitted to the Programme is set at 60 per year, thirty 30 per specialisation. The maximum number may be increased in only two cases. In the case of a tie with the grade of the 60th student and in the case of members of the SEP, LTP and SLTP. In the first case, the ceiling is increased accordingly until all postgraduate candidates who tie with the grade of the 60th postgraduate candidate have been accepted. With regard to the second case, members of the SEP, LTP and SLTP may, upon request, be enrolled as supernumerators and only 1 per year, without tuition fees. The ceiling may not be increased by more than 10% of the ceiling.


Graduates of the Schools of Medicine, graduates of the Department of Public and Community Health, the Departments of Literature, the Schools of Health Sciences, Health Professions and Welfare are admitted as postgraduate students, subject to selection, of the Faculties of Occupational Therapy, Speech and Language Therapy, Social Work, Psychology, Physiotherapy, Pedagogical Sciences and Education Sciences of the national territory, or recognised similar institutions abroad, in accordance with the legislation in force.


Criteria and method of selection of applicants


Call for expressions of interest


The Department, on dates set by the Curriculum Committee (CuC), invites expressions of interest for the admission of postgraduate students to the Programme. The publication of the call for expressions of interest shall be carried out by the University of West Attica under the responsibility of the Department of Public and Community Health, and the costs shall be borne by the University or the Programme. The call for expressions of interest shall be posted on the Departments’ websites.


The call for expressions of interest shall mention:

  1. The conditions of participation of postgraduate candidates in the selection process
  2. The categories of graduates and the number of admissions
  3. The procedure and criteria for the selection of postgraduate students
  4. The deadlines for submitting applications
  5. The required supporting documents
  6. Any other details deemed necessary to facilitate the selection process for postgraduate students


Applications and the required supporting documents shall be submitted to the Programme Secretariat, in accordance with the call for expressions of interest, within the deadline set in the call for expressions of interest, which may be extended by decision of the CuC.


Candidate Evaluation Committee (CEC)


The selection of applicants for admission to the Programme is carried out by a three-member Candidate Evaluation Committee (CEC) composed of faculty members of the participating departments that have undertaken postgraduate work, which is established by decision of the CuC.


Candidates’ participation documents

The supporting documents for the participation of candidates are:

  1. Application for participation in the Programme
  2. A copy of a degree/diploma or a certificate of completion of studies corresponding to a qualification recognised by the DOATAP (this also applies to qualifications obtained abroad)
  3. Certificate of analytical marks
  4. Detailed curriculum vitae (including details of studies, teaching and/or professional experience, scientific activity, etc.)
  5. Evidence of research or professional activity
  6. Two letters of recommendation
  7. Copy of a copy of another Master’s degree (if available)
  8. Photocopy of two sides of your identity card
  9. Copies of diplomas in English at least at CEFR Level B2 and/or other foreign languages or other certificates
  10. Additional qualifications, scholarships, special seminars, postgraduate qualifications, diplomas, supplementary education diplomas, etc. (if available)


Graduates of English-speaking universities are exempt from the requirement to produce a language certificate. Knowledge of other foreign languages will be taken into account.


On completion of the evaluation procedures, the relevant CEC will draw up a list of successful and unsuccessful candidates in order of merit, according to the selection criteria and the weighting factors for each criterion. Successful candidates will be those who have obtained a ranking up to the maximum number of students admitted and those who have obtained a rank equal to the sixtieth (60th) of the number of students admitted. Candidates who obtained a rank in the ranking order above the maximum admission threshold or a grade equal to the rank of the sixtieth (60th) student candidate are considered runners-up, with the right to enroll if the top-ranked candidates do not accept the post or do not enroll in time.


Candidate selection criteria


The criteria for the selection of student candidates include the following:

Criterion Code Criterion Description Criterion Weighting Coefficient
C1 Degree/Diploma and marks in undergraduate courses relevant to the subject of the Programme 15%
C2 Performance in the Thesis/Dissertation, where this is foreseen in the first cycle of studies (and if relevant to the subject of the Programme) or Grade in a weighted course relevant to the subject of the Programme at the discretion of the CEC, in case no Thesis/Dissertation is foreseen in the first cycle of studies 10%
C3 Research or professional activity related to the subject of the Programme 10%
C4 Publications and writing activity 10%
C5 Letters of recommendation 5%
C6 Oral interview 50%


On the basis of the above, the Evaluation Grade for a Postgraduate Candidate is as follows:


Graduate Candidate Evaluation Grade =
(C1 x 0.15) + (C2 x 0.10) + (C3 x 0.10) + (C4 x 0.1) + (C5 x 0.05) + (C6 x 0.5)


Selection procedure


The required supporting documents must be submitted within the deadlines specified in the relevant call for expressions of interest. The Programme Secretariat will receive the applications and the necessary supporting documents submitted by the postgraduate students, as specified in the call for expressions of interest, and will draw up a list of postgraduate students and forward it to the CEC. The supporting documents submitted by candidates must be submitted by the deadline specified in the relevant call for expressions of interest. Late applications will not be accepted.


The evaluation procedure for candidates will consist of two stages:


In the first, applications are evaluated by the Programme Secretariat on the basis of the completeness and validity of the required supporting documents submitted, which are necessary conditions for qualification to the next stage.


In the second stage of the procedure, applicants are invited to an interview before the CEC. The aim is to establish which candidates are able to respond effectively to the requirements of the Programme, taking into account their motivation and interest, but also their overall constitution and scientific competence in relation to the subject matter of the Programme.


Upon completion of the evaluation procedures, the CEC shall establish a complete list of all candidates, rank the candidates, make the final selection and draw up the provisional list of successful candidates, which shall be validated by the CuC. It is posted, in accordance with the provisions on personal data protection, on the Programme website and in departmental announcements.


Objections to the provisional list of successful candidates may be lodged within five (5) working days of the date of publication of the lists. The objection must be specific and shall be finally decided by a three-member committee of faculty members of the Departments that have undertaken postgraduate work, appointed by decision of the CuC (Objections Committee).


After the deadline for objections and the final decision of the Objections Committee (if any), the final list of successful candidates will be posted according to the procedure for posting the provisional list.


Successful candidates are invited to reply in writing or electronically (email) within a predefined deadline from the posting of the final list (as specified in the Programme call for expressions of interest) to accept their admission to the Programme and its operating conditions as described in the Programme Internal Rules of Operation.


In case of refusals, the Programme Secretariat shall inform the next candidates in the evaluation order from the final list of successful candidates.


Registration in the Programme


Successful candidates must register with the Programme Secretariat by the deadlines set by the relevant institutions in the call for expressions of interest. For reasons of exceptional need, a postgraduate student may be registered after the deadline by decision of the Coordinating Committee of the Programme (CoC), following a reasoned request by the interested party. Admitted postgraduate students may be informed by the website of the supervising Department (Department of Public and Community Health) and/or by the Programme Secretariat.


The Programme application form is offered only in Greek. For further information please contact the Secretariat of the Programme.