Basic Principles of Research Methodology

Course Code:

ΜΥ 1.2


1st Semester

Specialization Category:


Course Hours:




Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of the course students will be able to:

  • Describe types of research and prioritise studies based on their quality
  • Select and formulate a research problem, plan the research process, be able to collect data and know how to analyse and interpret them
  • Select the most appropriate research strategy for their study
  • Select an appropriate sample for their study
  • Select the appropriate data collection instrument for their study
  • Understand the importance of the validity and reliability of a study and ways of ensuring these
  • Understand the structure of a scientific article
  • Handle in-text bibliographic references, either manually or through the Mendeley bibliographic management system
  • Understand the process of writing an original research study
  • Understand the process of writing a simple and systematic review
  • Understand the process of writing and presenting a paper at a conference
  • Understand the process of writing a research protocol


Course Content

  1. Introduction to research methodology
  2. Types of research
  3. Stages of scientific research (Selection & formulation of the research problem, Designing the research process, Conducting research – data collection, Data analysis – interpretation, Writing the research study)
  4. Research strategies (Research validity, Relevance, Causality, Causal relationship, The intermediate variables, Experimental, descriptive, contextual, comparative strategy)
  5. Sampling (Sample and population, Types of sampling, Sample size)
  6. Data collection instruments (Questionnaire, Interview, Observation, Validity and reliability of measurements)
  7. Writing a scientific article (Structure, Abstract, Introduction, Methodology, Results, Discussion, Conclusions)
  8. Bibliographic references, Introduction to the use and applications of the Mendeley bibliographic management system
  9. Writing an original research study
  10. Writing a simple and systematic review
  11. Writing and presentation of a conference paper
  12. Writing a research protocol