
Course Code:

ΥΠΑ 4.1


4th Semester

Specialization Category:


Course Hours:




Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of the internship, students will be able to:

  • Have a first insight into their professional field as qualified managers, in the field of special education in relation to ASD
  • Understand how the theoretical knowledge gained in the previous modules is linked to their practical application
  • Develop skills relevant to their professional rehabilitation


Course Content

The Intership includes at least 450 hours of training in Special Education and Training Units (SMEAE) and/or in general and vocational education schools, where students with disabilities and/or special educational needs attend, in Centres for Interdisciplinary Assessment, Counselling and Support (KEDASY) (as renamed from “Centres for Educational and Counselling Support (KESY)” under paragraph 1 of article 11 of Law No. 4823/2021 (Government Gazette A’ 136/03-08-2021)), in Medical and Educational Centres of the Ministry of Health, in Municipal Counselling Centres, in Community Mental Health Centres, in schools operating within public hospitals and in Public or Private Legal Entities (NPDD or NPID) supervised by the Ministry of Labour, Social Security and Social Solidarity, which provide education, training and counselling support services to persons over fifteen (15) years of age with disabilities. The Internship is carried out under the supervision and guidance of the Internship Supervisor, as described in the Internship Regulation.