
General Information

The Interinstitutional Postgraduate Studies Programme “Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD): Health Promotion, Early Intervention, Special Education, Personal and Community Intervention” is operating from the academic year 2024 – 2025 under the administrative support of the Department of Public and Community Health of the School of Public Health of the University of West Attica (UniWA) in collaboration with the Department of Philology of the University of Peloponnese.


The total number of credits (ECTS) required for the award of the Diploma of the Programme is 120. However, postgraduate students are required to be at least a fluent in English, in order to participate efficiently in tasks related to bibliographic research both for the preparation of the research Diploma Thesis (DT) and for the writing of papers related to the teaching and examination of the courses. The venue for the face-to-face courses will be the facilities of the Department of Public and Community Health of the University of West Attica at the Athens University Campus. During the 4 semesters of study, postgraduate students are required to attend 10 compulsory courses, to complete an DT and to carry out an Internship.


Awarded Diploma

Upon successful completion of the Programme, postgraduate students are awarded a Diploma entitled “Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD): Health Promotion, Early Intervention, Special Education, Personal and Community Intervention” with two specialisations:


Specialisation 1: Interventions in special education
Specialisation 2: Interventions in clinical practice: individual and community intervention



The maximum number of students admitted to the Programme  is set at 60 per year, thirty 30 per specialisation. The maximum number may be increased in only two cases. In the case of a tie with the grade of the 60th student and in the case of members of the SEP (Special Educational Personnel), LTP (Laboratory Teaching Personnel) and SLTP (Special Laboratory Technical Personnel). In the first case, the maximum number is increased accordingly until all postgraduate candidates who tie with the grade of the 60th postgraduate candidate have been accepted. With regard to the second case, members of the SEP, LTP and SLTP may, upon request, be enrolled as supernumerators and only 1 per year, without tuition fees. The maximum number may not be increased by more than 10% of the maximum number of 60 students.

Accepted postgraduate students may be Graduates of the Schools of Medicine, graduates of the Department of Public and Community Health, the Departments of Literature, the Schools of Health Sciences, Health Professions and Welfare, the Faculties of Occupational Therapy, Speech and Language Therapy, Social Work, Psychology, Physiotherapy, Pedagogical Sciences and Education Sciences of the national territory, or recognised similar institutions abroad, in accordance with the legislation in force.


Tuition Fees

The total tuition fees of the Programme amount to 4.000 €. In cases of interruption of studies, the total amount paid is non-refundable. Payment may be made in instalments as specified in the call for expressions of interest per cycle of study. Tuition fees are paid to the Special Account for Research Grants (SARG) of UniWA, which is responsible for their management.