Learning Outcomes

The aim of the Programme is to provide excellent training for professionals of different disciplines in ASD, which will lead to a postgraduate degree in the field of study: “Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD): Health Promotion, Early Intervention, Special Education, Personal and Community Intervention”, with two specializations:


Specialisation 1: Interventions in special education
Specialisation 2: Interventions in clinical practice: individual and community intervention


Initially, students are introduced to basic concepts of epidemiology, public health, to theoretical approaches relevant to ASD, to neurobiological understanding of specific disorders, and to the historical development of the term “Autism”. At the same time, they become familiar with the developmental and educational milestones of children and adolescents, with child and adolescent mental health and psychopathology, as well as with the basic principles of research methodology and with issues of community approaches to families of people with ASD.


Subsequently, students who choose the first specialisation are familiarised with curricula, the organization of teaching programs in Special Education and Training Schools (SSEEs), functioning and learning in ASD, and are trained in intervention programmes in neurodevelopmental areas of learning readiness in students with ASD, as well as in the design of innovative applications and technologies in the field of special education and training. Subsequently, students in this specialisation become familiar with and cultivate good practices, skills, and methods that are research-supported to characterize ASD-friendly schools. In addition, they are trained in the principles of interdisciplinary assessment and the functioning of an interdisciplinary team in the school setting.


Students who choose the second specialisation will become familiar with the diagnostic criteria, the sensory and other difficulties and deficits that occur as comorbidities in ASD, and the theories of pathophysiology. They are trained in theoretical and practical approaches to the management of behavioural problems in ASD, and in diagnostic and treatment programmes, both at the individual and community levels. In addition, they are exposed to the issues of functioning of the multidisciplinary team for ASD in education and in a clinical context and to the issues of adult life of people with ASD and are trained in relevant interventions to promote their health and autonomy. Finally, they delve into issues of ethical philosophy and data protection of patients with ASD.


All courses are embedded in the context of the most up-to-date approaches to ASD internationally. Emphasis is placed on the postgraduate students’ practical training, which includes monitoring, observation and intervention design. The internship is autonomous and supervised. The internship design, research projects, and the master’s thesis aim to familiarise students with the basic principles of research methodology in the following fields:


  • Developmental and educational milestones of children and adolescents with ASD
  • Mental health
  • Community approaches in the family of children with ASD
  • Curricula, teaching methods, inclusive educational approaches
  • Good practices for ASD-friendly schools
  • Innovative applications of special care and education
  • Interdisciplinarity
  • Diagnostic approaches
  • Comorbidities and clinical tools
  • Clinical interventions for basic symptomatology and behavioural problems in ASD
  • Health promotion and autonomy in adult life for people with ASD
  • Ethical philosophy


Sub-objectives of the Programme are:


  • To fill an existing gap and an essential educational need with a specific focus and specialised orientation on the interconnection of the elements of Public and Community Health Promotion, Special Education and Training and Rehabilitation.
  • To contribute to the creation of a scientific potential in the field of primary care services, diagnostic bodies of the Ministries of Health and Education and educational structures at all levels of education. It is therefore considered to be of multiple benefits, as it will prepare students to use comprehensive knowledge and skills to provide effective, inclusive support and teaching to people with ASD. Candidates will be trained to work with children and adolescents of different abilities, skills, ages, cultural backgrounds and socio-economic backgrounds.
  • To enhance quality and effective social awareness of the population with ASD at national and European level, as well as to provide expertise to health professionals, the Unified Special Vocational Junior High Schools – High Schools (ENEGYL), the Special Secondary Education Schools, the Vocational Training Institutes, the Lifelong Learning Centres (KEDIBIM), the research centres, the employment structures in municipalities and regions, etc.
  • The training of specialised scientists in the field of public and community health, who will be able to staff international centres (Committees for the promotion of public and community health and education of people with disabilities in the EU), scientists with adequate educational and scientific qualifications.
  • The training of scientists with the knowledge and skills required for successful careers in the public, private, academic and research sectors in the scientific field of Public and Community Health Sciences, Public Health Promotion and Education.
  • The preparation of scientists for doctoral level studies in Greece and abroad.