Maria Drosinou

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Faculty Members

Assistant Professor


Assistant Professor of Special Education and Education




Ms Drosinou – Maria Correa, is a PhD in clinical psychology, special educator and permanent assistant professor of special education and training at the Faculty of Humanities and Cultural Studies at the University of Peloponnese. She has been working for more than four decades in special education and has served the subject from the position of dean at the Pedagogical Institute from 2000-2011. He supports the individual study method with metacognitive skills and mnemonic techniques for students with dyslexia, autism, ADHD and delinquent behavior problems at the Agricultural University of Athens from 2002 until today. He is the author of the books: – Special Education and Education. The “through” of special education proposal for the education of children and young people with special needs., Patras, OPPORTUNA, 2017 – Special education manual and education narratives, Patras, OPPORTUNA, 2020, and Portfolio of special education in higher education. Patras, OPPORTUNA, 2023.

Scientific interests:
Inclusive Pedagogy programs for people with delinquent behaviors and complex cognitive, emotional and social difficulties. Teaching students with special learning difficulties (dyslexia) Educational inclusion and teaching social skills of people with autism Special Education and Training of people with attention deficit disorders with or without hyperactivity and other mental disabilities