In the context of its activities, the Programme develops original and innovative research work, which aims to develop the relevant skills of its students and to highlight the link between teaching and research.
The link between teaching and research is achieved through the direct participation of students in actions, projects, programmes and general activities of the institutions with which the Programme cooperates in the context of their activities, as follows:
- Postgraduate students’ internship institutions (SMEAE, ENEGYL, KEDASY, etc.)
- Special Academic Unit of Child Developmental Health, of the Laboratory of Hygiene and Epidemiology of the Department of Public and Community Health of the UniWA
- Laboratory of Digital Innovation in Public Health of the Department of Public and Community Health, of the UniWA
The aforementioned synergies are crowned by the preparation of the Master’s research Theses of the postgraduate students.
Despite the fact that the Programme has not yet started its operation, members of the groups and committees of it (Foundation Coordination Group, Expert Committee), as well as faculty members are already involved in the production of research work related to autism and ASD. They are also participating in the initiation of the necessary scientific and social dialogue for the exchange of views and the development of the specific topics in the public debate. More information on these activities can be found below.